Wednesday, February 25, 2009

POW 022509 -Heard it from a friend who...

I met Tasmeen--aka Jungli--at one of the benefit concerts my niece coordinates twice a year to raise money for the Special Olympics; she'd come with my sister's brother-in-law, who'd taken up playing bass as a hobby and would play at her gigs in New York. She was a little, ah, high in spirits that night, but despite some of the immediate pretentiousness, she was a pretty solid person and quite nice. I actually never got to hear her live with the band; by the time I made it to one of A.'s gigs, she had already moved to L.A.

I've got both her EPs; this cover is on the newest one, and for some reason, I like going back and listening to it, even though that type of slight baby lilt usually puts me off a bit. But, I don't know, it kind of works for me here.

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (cover) - Jungli

50 Ways to Leave Your Lover - Jungli


I admit, I am not a fan of trance. I mean, I can listen to it, but I don't get all hippy trippy on it, and while I realize it is best experienced not at home, but in a club somewhere with equally entranced (I kill me) people, I am pretty sure even then it wouldn't be my kind of music for more than about 10 minutes. Which is just about how long this song is: this was done by another acquaintance of mine. Michelle graduated two years after I did, from the same school (and same major); I interviewed and helped hire her for where I work, and she also married someone I'd worked with my senior year, when I ended up managing all the undergrad hires for the Electronics Shop for our Physics Dept. We sort of lost track of each other after she left to go to law school. I've been catching up with her lately, and it's been fun listening to her demos etc.

Equinox - Kamil Polner and Michelle Richer

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