Saturday, January 3, 2009


I confess, I car sing/bop to this every time it comes up on rotation. It's also an excellent addition to your "doing chores around the house" playlist--you know, the music that makes mundane tasks, like laundry sorting/doing/folding, a lot more fun. Of course, it may also get you a little off track, especially when you find yourself twirling and flinging clean socks about, all caught up in the music.

Call the Law - Outkast featuring Janelle Monae
I haven't watched the movie the whole way through, yet, but the soundtrack hasn't left my car since I purchased it when it came out, which is usually a good sign. A little too long and uneven in places, but very nice, overall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing guilty about an Outkast track. Ever.