Saturday, October 31, 2009

Men of few words

Now, just because I may make fun of a lyrically challenged song here or there--all out of love--it doesn't mean that I dismiss a song because of the simplicity of its lyrics. I've always thought these two were brill from the very first time I heard them.

Sink To The Bottom (live) - Fountains of Wayne
This is a faster, fancier version of the original (which you should also listen to). It also made me pause to wonder if I now look like some of the 'older' fans in the crowd, singing along, when I go to a concert. Then I realized I didn't really care, one way or another.

(I know, I know--I've referenced this song like eleventy billion times. It' a living memory that gets under my skin every single time I hear it. And more.)

There She Goes - The Las
So young! So very, very young! And so were we, when we used to blare it Friday evenings, windows open, jumping up and down on our beds like maniacs for everyone to see on their way to and from Nielson Dining Hall.

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