Wednesday, December 3, 2008

POW 120308

I've always hated waiting for results. Of anything. The next 48 hours are going to be...unrelaxed.

So, to take my mind off, here is the list of things I am thankful for, a week or so late. In my own way of course.

- I am thankful that the kid is now more willing to take his antibiotics, instead of screaming bloody murder and spitting them out saying 'it makes my mouth unhappy!', as a result of recurring ear infections. Also, that he is such a pro at detecting them that he alerted us to this latest one himself.

- I am thankful that my car is getting all sorts of new! shiny! parts, like a fuel injector and a timing belt and an ignition whatchamacallit, and indirectly not leaving me to wonder if it is worth putting any extra money into the market.

- I am thankful for mute buttons on headsets and phones, which allow me to yell, "Can you throw me down a pair of pants" around 11 AM in the morning, because I am still in boxers and a tee since getting up at 6 AM to the first of 5 consecutive calls.

- I am thankful for people who piss me off competitively, even if it is over something completely harmless and fun, because I can redirect my waiting energy to trying to one-up them spectacularly. I am especially happy when it's multiple people/ instances in one day, because then I have all sorts of outlet for my [in turn, fun and harmless] vindictiveness.

- I am thankful I do not have the desire or tendency to do this type of kumbaya introspection regularly at all, because man, is it boring and tedious.


Random music choices, tonight. Except, maybe not. Let's just say certain people may or may not have gotten up at certain points in their life and danced on tables/desks/chairs to these songs. And not necessarily at home.

Is This Love - Bob Marley and The Wailers
(1997, at work around 7 PM on a Friday, babysitting a software upgrade. Completely sober.)

Never Tear Us Apart - INXS
(1991, at Cooper Dining hall during dinner after midterms. More of a lip synch with much dramatization with my friend J. A little buzzed due to a predinner celebration.)

Yer So Bad - Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
(2004, steps/plaza in front of Catalina Island Opera House/Casino. Very, very buzzed. This one has photographic evidence.)
