Monday, June 2, 2008

Because I am lazy

(Originally in book blog)
(And also because I am smart.)

Obviously, I have done a piss-poor job of updating my book blog. Which is quite understandable; I've had less time this year to read, than any other and quite frankly, when I do have the time, I am more likely to want to read than to write about what I am reading (or not).

I have, however, written elsewhere about books and/or reading very, very sporadically. There's also some things I wrote about books and reading in general, from years back, that I came across recently, and that still stand the test of time. To be honest, I could post them as if I wrote them right now, and no one would be the wiser and I'd look like I am updating, however infrequently. However, I am taking the honorable road and mentioning the duplicate nature of the posts ahead of time.

(Question: Why do I always write as if someone is actually reading this, other than me? I used to do this with the diaries I kept regularly for about 15 years, too. Bizarre. Also, somewhat egotistical, since it shows an inclination to believe that somehow my word will be discovered by someone and read avidly. I can understand thinking that way when I was 10. It smacks a little mid-life crisisy to think this way 25 years later.)

So, anyway, that's the what with the this. En avant, as they say, again.

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